What Was the Hindenburg?
What Was the Hindenburg?카테고리 없음 2024. 2. 19. 07:22
What Was 시리즈 중 What Was the Hindenburg? 입니다.아이가 좋아할 만한 소재라 구입하였습니다.I survived 시리즈에서 Hindenburg 가 나온 책을 관심가지고 보기에검색해 봤는데 50%로 할인 중이라 얼씨구나 좋아라 샀습니다.음원이 없어서 볼까 싶었는데, 재미있어 보였는지 도착하자 마자 펼쳐서 읽더군요.At 800-feet long, the Hindenburg was the largest airship ever built--just slightly smaller than the Titanic! Also of a disastrous end, the zeppelin burst into flame as spectators watched it attempt to land in..